Sunday, December 2, 2018

Is It Wintertime Already

Is there something wrong with my calendar? How can we have such cold weather and threats of snowstorms before the winter season has officially started as we are having this year? I just don’t get it.

A few days ago we decided to go grocery shopping early because there was supposed to be some heavy rain on the day that we normally go. The risk obviously is that if the temperature drops that rain changes to ice and/or snow. Moreover, there were predictions of snow that night and a potential heavy snow storm a few days later.

I found all of that rather strange because I thought that I had just read the prediction that our temperature in this area was supposed to be cold this winter but we were not going to get too many snow falls, especially big ones. The weathermen must feel that their predictions are going to be very difficult if there are going to be inaccuracies so early on.

I wonder if the problem is that it is so difficult to figure what the weather system is going to do this year. I have seen that there have been many new events that have taken place at so many areas around the world so far because of the weather. Take a look at this comment in Accuweather for example:

Thanksgiving Day is currently forecast to be frigid in the Northeast, making for the coldest Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade in history. In fact, only a few years featured low or high temperatures colder than the current forecast (21 & 27 as of Monday; 19 & 28 as of Tuesday's forecast) for New York City, and those were a long time ago -- before 1902.” (Jesse Ferrell, Accuweather, originally published Nov. 19,2018, updated Nov. 20 & 21

Seriously, why is this happening:

According to new weather models, the US mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions are expected to experience the coldest/earliest temperatures to the start of any winter season on record.

Weather Prediction Center: "Highs 20-35 degrees below normal" (Tyler Durden,, November 19, 2018

Oh well, I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens over the next few months. I do remember that a few years ago I was able to go out for a walk because temperatures were very nice that winter. Given what has happened this year, I just don’t expect it now.

It is now time for me to write some stories which I found in the media which I find interesting.


I see that there is a competition between my Mayor in Tecumseh, Gary McNamara, and the Mayor of Kingsville, Mayor Nelson Santos for the position of Warden in Essex County.

Interesting, even though Santos could not be reached for his comments, a story was published in the Star. Here is why my Mayor ought to be the winner:

I really believe I do have the experience,” McNamara said. “Over the years I’ve been able to develop a strong network at Queen’s Park and certainly Ottawa, not only with the government of the day but also with the bureaucracy.” (Sharon Hill, Windsor Star, November 23, 2018) 

However, and you may find this surprising, I want McNamara to lose! That’s right, I do not want him to be the winner of this competition.

The reason is very simple. Assuming that we are going to have a “Metropolitan Windsor” set up in the next little while, I want McNamara to be the head of it! I do not want someone else to be placed in that top position who might be offered this new job because McNamara has another position that he has just started. We need a person who is a pretty tough fellow to act as required in dealing with the new Area City.

There is no doubt that the new Metropolitan City will have a lot of competition going on between the various Heads of the different towns around here. Just go back and see what happened in Toronto and its suburban cities when it formed its new Metropolitan Toronto. We need someone who understands what is required and who will be treated properly by the Mayors of each of the towns.

In my opinion, there is no doubt that Mayor McNamara would be the perfect person to be in this new job. And that is why I want him to lose in the competition that he is in right now.


Of course, building a high-speed train network is the situation that many expected to happen here. After all, initially it was discussed that it would be between Toronto and London only. That changed after Windsor protested and it was added on to the new rail link that is supposed to be built.

Well, the reality is now happening. We are really not going to get a high-speed one in this area. Here is how that is being presented:

Ontario is considering alternatives to a planned multibillion-dollar high-speed rail corridor between Toronto and Windsor, with the government saying it wants to ensure the region gets served by a mode of transportation best suited to its needs.

An ongoing environmental assessment for the project will continue, but the Progressive Conservatives say they're expanding the scope of their studies to determine if other options, such as increased Via Rail service, more bus capacity or improved highway infrastructure, would work better.” (Shawn Jeffords, Canadian Press, November 21, 2018)

Seriously, is that really a big surprise! Of course not.

Naturally, the Opposition Parties are not favour with what the Government wants to do. Here’s what the NDP Legislator stated:

...her community will be disappointed at a delay in moving ahead with the project.

"On the surface they say they're supportive of high-speed rail but now they're possibly looking at ways get out of their commitment," she said of the government. "It's definitely going backwards."

Of course it is foolish what is being said. Then again, what does one expect an opposition Member to say? Really, does anyone ever expect them to support the Government position no matter how logical it is.

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