Saturday, December 22, 2018

Have A Most Happy New Year!

It is that time of the year again, dear reader.  

I’m not going to talk about my medical situation in detail in this Blog. If you want to read everything about it, just go back to the beginning in this Blogsite when I first started writing about what happened to me from a mental and physical point of view and what medical action I took since then. 

Fortunately, for me, I have recovered my health as much as possible after suffering from a rare form of encephalitis that damaged certain parts of my brain. (Ex. short-term memory). 

Regretfully, I will never be able to forget about all of this and not think about it any longer. It will always be in my mind. After all, with this bizarre encounter that I had, I came within 2 or 3 days of dying!  

To be direct, I am much happier about how I have recovered. It is a true blessing for me. The medical people were great.  My family has been marvelous in all this time. My friends have done their best to help me recover too. With all the on-going support, I have done well in my “new” life that I am now experiencing. 

I wish everyone the happiest of holidays, however you choose to celebrate. May everyone have a wonderful New Year too!

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