Sunday, September 29, 2019

80’s Wedding

No, I am not going to be writing about something that happened in the 1980s.  Rather, I am talking about the big night for my daughter, Melissa, and her husband, Bill, who joined together a little while ago.  

My wife, Marsha, and I want to let everyone know how well everything was set up and organized for this special night.  The event that was created was based on the kind of wedding that would take place during that earlier time period.  It was just such a perfect night.  

What is most fascinating is that it was set up and organized by Melissa and Bill.  It did take a lot of time to organize it properly.  They worked so hard at making sure that everything was done properly so that the people who attended would have a good night celebrating their future.  I know that they visited so many possible suppliers to find the best ones.  Obviously, it took them time to set up also the events that were to take place that evening as well with their chosen groups and to make sure that everything would carry out properly.  

We worked with Melissa and Bill to develop an evening that we hoped everyone would enjoy.  However, they were the ones who went out and made the effort to work very hard to find the right people to provide all the services required in an excellent fashion.  Their expectation was that everything would be provided in as best a manner as possible.  When they made decisions, they came to us for approvals which we easily gave them because what they had done made so much sense.

To be direct, they were unbelievably amazing in what they accomplished.  From start to finish, the timetable in our meeting room was followed perfectly.  No wasted time at all.  The service providers carried out their functions in about as excellent a manner as was possible.  The dinner was just so excellent given the food to eat, including the extras as seconds of my choice of the best dishes that I was able to eat.  This is what Cortina Gourmet Market does.  Unlike many meals that I have eaten out, the food actually was quite hot when I ate it!  As for pics, Simon Wyn, the photographer, was so excellent in what he did.  He even sat near us during dinner.

The people who had to play an entertainment function also did so exactly as was necessary to keep the guests happy.  Especially I remember the fellow, who acted like Bernie the “dead man” in a movie, who unbelievably had “passed away” and remained completely unmoving until he was carried out of the meeting room.  

Given my relationship with Melissa, I was the “Father of the Bride.”  

Believe it or not, that put on a tremendous amount of pressure on me during wedding night.  And even in the weeks before.  I was the one who walked her down the aisle to the spot where she and Bill officially joined up together.   It was my task as a parent of the bride to make sure that they were united that evening. 

It was really not an easy task to do.  I remember when we were the only two people outside waiting for the official music to start so that we could walk down the aisle together.  We both talked very quickly with each other saying all kinds of wonderful things while we were there.  A few hugs and big smiles on both of our faces accompanied at the same time by lots of tears in our eyes.  It was the combination of her great future to come along with remembering our wonderful relationship in the past.

Just as an aside, it was a very important event for our family.   Without making a big deal about it, I am sure that you know, dear reader, my medical condition right now.  That was something that was learned just a few months before the wedding ceremony.  Regretfully, it was something that we had to deal with while at the same time something wonderful was going to take place.  I am so pleased to say that all we considered was how this is going to be a great night for Melissa and Bill! 

Melissa and Bill really should set up a business to run this kind of an event.  They did such a nice job for all of us who came out.  The whole evening when this event ran was beautifully handled.  It was not a gigantic project with lots of people but rather one whereby the most attached family members and friends were invited to attend.  It was interesting to see how many people actually came to the site about an hour before the event started.  To be honest, the room was almost completely filled up with guests about thirty minutes before the ceremony was officially to start.

I am not going to go into a long discussion about the ceremony that took place between Melissa and Bill.  The ceremony was so touching.   As for me, everything was so exciting to watch.  I was so involved in seeing and hearing what was going on!  Everything was right to the point and well done.  Each of them made a wonderful presentation of the vows which they read to each other.  If you want to see what they said, please go here:  Bill & Melissa's Wedding Vows  

There is a lot more that I could tell you about the evening but I do not think it is necessary for me to do so.  All that I want to say is that this was a fantastic evening for everyone who attended the event.  Most importantly, I was so happy about what happened to Melissa and Bill in front of all of these people.  I was the father of the bride and so pleased to be there with my wife and son.

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