Saturday, May 5, 2018


...To bring you a special Blogsite article!

Yes, dear reader, this would have happened on a radio or TV network given what is going on now.

The News Director of the networks would immediately break-in to all of the regular stories that were going on at the time and bring you the Emergency stories required of what has broken out at about the same time in the Community.

Yes, I cannot believe what is happening now and what is required to let everyone in this area know what is going on. Let me just give you some examples of what I mean right now:

---Will the Windsor Star solve its industrial relations with its employees or will it be on strike shortly.  BREAKING  NEWS--LOOKS  LIKE IT MAY  BE RESOLVED NOW.  But the vote happens on Sunday so who knows

---After the story that has just come out about him, will Councillor Rino Bortolin lose his position for a Queen's Park seat and also have problems running for Councillor again if he chooses to do so

---Now that one of the three bidders has pulled out of the bidding to build a new bridge between Windsor/Detroit in competition with the new Ambassador Bridge project, what will be the impact and what will the Government do

---What is going to happen now to the NAFTA arrangement amongst the 3 Governments involved

---Why is the electoral running in the City of Windsor being viewed so seriously when the campaign has just officially started? Could it be that a new Group of candidates is around and will run?

Do you see what I mean, dear reader? So many interesting subjects happening at almost exactly same time. What can a person like me do to handle all of them? All of them very important for this City. All at the same time too!  

It becomes even more difficult to answer if in fact the Windsor Star employees go on strike but it probably changes back if they do not. It means also that we have to count more on the reporters of the TV Networks and some radio stations as well as writers on the Internet to get us good information and to provide excellent opinions for us.

I am just going to leave it there and think about what I can do to assist in any of this. After all, this was supposed to be my time writing less and enjoying the beginning of summer!


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