Wednesday, May 9, 2018

It Is Coming Again

Believe it or not, that time of the year is coming again!

I am sure though that you have no idea of what I am talking about. I would be very surprised if you did to be quite honest. However, for me, it has become the most wonderful time for me now because of what has happened in the past.

Of course, it all has to do with my birthday which is coming up in a few days in May. That should be a nice time for me as another year has gone by so wonderfully and I am expecting an even better time for the next year.  My family and friends have made life so enjoyable for me with all of the good activities they have carried on for me, especially those that have helped me so much since I was so ill a few years ago.

I am going to be 73 years old soon. Wow, I cannot believe that. To be direct, I don't have the faintest idea of what "73" means in a person's life. I certainly don't feel that old. In fact, I still feel quite young in how I deal with situations in which I am involved.

I am really not sure what I look like either. Oh sure, I'm not a "young man" now but even looking at myself I don't think I am an "old man" either.  When people try and guess about my age, I often find that their guess is often quite wrong because, happily, they suggest that that I am a very "young" older gentleman.

What is interesting for me as well is how I now act in life. You may find it strange but I don't worry about what happened to me yesterday because it is over. Nor, do I really worry about what is going to happen tomorrow because who knows what can happen in the future. All that I am really concerned about is what is going to happen today, the time that I am actually living right now.

If I have a problem that has arisen on a specific day, I do try to speak with the person who is involved on the other side to solve that problem. And I want that resolution today. I do not want to have the problem go on for days or weeks but want it solved quickly and easily on the day that it arises. Fortunately for me, and I have had some very bad situations since I have been very ill and had to move to a new location, almost anything I can think of that was a concern during the last few years was handled very quickly in a manner that was satisfactory for both sides.  

This new approach for me just seems like a good way now to find a solution to a problem that may well be a difficult situation.  Having a good conversation right away with the people on the other side seems to work for both of us. We don't have to be in a "litigious" relationship when we are talking but rather look for a way to solve the problem for both sides in a manner that is also acceptable for both sides. If you go through some of my older stories on here, you will read about some of the difficulties I have had with other parties and how we were able to resolve them.

I like to look at people differently now as well. I really don't make a decision about a person when I first meet him/her. After all, they don't know me very well so I give them a bit of time to do so and then see how they react.  However, I do have to admit that because of my past life I think I make a decision about a person and his/her nature reasonably quickly and reasonably accurately.

I understand why there are concerns raised when I meet a person for the first time. After all, I am a "lawyer" even though I am retired now. Still, people are concerned with meeting with me given my profession. Naturally, there is an image that people have about us lawyers whether it is real or not. Nevertheless, it is something that those of us in our profession need to understand and which we need to change so that a person gets along with us as the individual we really are rather than what people may think we are.

With my birthday, I do consider the new life that I am living now. It may not be the all that different from how I was experiencing in my life before but it certainly seems that way for me. It just seems like a totally new way for looking at life and getting along with others.

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