Thursday, November 22, 2018

More Of My Thoughts

I certainly do not create and post as many stories for your attention as I have done before. Obviously, I do not have the same need to do so as I had previously. Also, I just do not have any more the energy to work as long and as hard as I needed to do.

However, dear reader, I still try very hard to post stories whenever I do that interest you. I want you to think about situations that I believe to be important about which you might want to consider.

Here are some of them now.


I was quite surprised when I saw the story a few days ago that:

Enwin is looking at moving their office employees from their longtime Ouellette Avenue location to their other facility on Rhodes Drive.” (Liz  Thorne,, November 9, 2018) 

You can read the story yourself to find out all the reasons that the Head of Enwin, Helga Reidel, gives to move to Rhodes Drive.

For me, it just seemed to me the wrong time to make such an announcement when a number of people are trying to boost the growth of Windsor's downtown area. Can you imagine, a Government Department wanting to move far away from the area. But of course, there is an answer for any negative thought:

We hope a suitable buyer can be found, with a great plan for repurposing this building,” concluded Reidel.”

Did you expect people downtown to support what was being said? Of course not. Take a look at this comment and see who made it:

Enwin’s plan to sell its 1950s-era Ouellette Avenue office building and move close to 100 staff to it’s Rhodes Drive operations centre should absolutely not be allowed, the chairman of the downtown BIA said Friday…

Despite those assurances, allowing such a city-owned entity and major downtown player to leave the core is simply “not something to consider,” said Larry Horwitz, chairman of the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association.

The mayor and city council “should just end this speculation” immediately, he said.

Testing out the market and deciding if they should be downtown or not? Yeah, they should be downtown. It’s not a question.” (Brian Cross, Windsor Star, November 9, 2018

Two completely different positions. Yet, I am sure, dear reader, that you will know which position will move forward considering this:

Reidel said there is currently no asking price but that Enwin will be seeking proposals in the next two months on the property at Ouellette and Elliott Street... With a renewed interest in downtown development, she said Enwin feels the “time is right to make this cost-saving move for the benefit of hydro and water ratepayers.

Hmmm...I wonder why this matter was not raised until after the election was completed.


I wonder if that is happening and that Microsoft will come out with a new operating system for which, this time, computer owners will have to pay for if they want to use it. Consider this comment:

Windows-as-a-service fail: Microsoft keeps customers in the dark

"Windows as a service" sounded like a good idea in 2015, when Microsoft released Windows 10. But after a terrible October, Microsoft's Windows 10 problems continued in November..."

Those activation problems are now apparently resolved, but Microsoft hasn't offered an explanation or an apology. A company spokesperson declined to provide any additional details beyond a terse one-line statement: "We're working to restore product activations for the limited numer of affected Windows 10 Pro customers," (Ed Bott, ZDNet, November 9, 2018) 

The article is quite negative about how Microsoft acted in this matter. Apparently, that is what seems to happens now, whenever Microsoft has a problem:

Mainstream customers running a released version of Windows shouldn't have to spend hours hunting down information about issues and updates. But in the absence of an official status dashboard for Windows 10, that seems to be the only option."

It seems strange for Microsoft to act this way when it is such a huge organization that works with the public. Could it be that there are some changes which may take place in the way it does business? Could the technical people be more concerned about that than fixing up problems? 

Or perhaps, could Windows 10 be the operating system that may be going out of the marketplace soon for another new Microsoft software operating system that is being developed now?


I do not know whether you saw this notice or not. However, there is good news for television watchers. It was dealing with two programs that I used to see every day. These were shows in the area that I lived in that played every Monday to Friday between 7 to 8 PM.

I have to admit that I do not watch them very much these days because I no longer have any connections to my TV set that brings in programs that I can watch easily. However, I do have to admit that, previously, I watched them all the time.

Here's what I saw:

Game show favorites Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune are going to stick around for a while.

CBS Television Distribution announced that it has officially renewed both game shows for three additional seasons, keeping them on the air through the 2022-2023 season.” (104.3, November 6, 2018) 

These shows have been around forever it seems on television. In the 2022 season, it will be the 40th year for Wheel of Fortune and the 39th for Jeopardy.

Why am I telling you this? Well, as I said, I don't watch too much television these days. When I do, however, I'm not very pleased with a lot of the shows that are now being broadcast.

Thank goodness that the "old favourites" that people like me still enjoy, and probably many younger people too, are still on the channels these days. And will be here for a long time to come.

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