Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Just Keeping Busy

I really enjoy being a writer. It provides me with a wonderful opportunity to let people know about matters that interest me. Of course, this does not mean that my position is exactly the same as that of my readers but that's okay. I just am pleased letting people know how I feel about different subjects.

Right now, let me write a few stories about matters that are of interest to me. I hope you enjoy reading them.


How sad.  

Bill Marra is not running again for Council whether it is being elected as a Councillor or even as the Mayor for the City of Windsor. Although this may be a disadvantage for Windsor, I believe that this is a wonderful experience for his family!

I do not think it is necessary for me to write a very long and detailed article about Bill. I have no desire to do so anyway. I just want you to know, dear reader, that I have dealt with him for a considerable number of years on City matters and, more importantly, other issues. What we have talked about has always been very helpful as far as I am concerned.

It is a shame to be quite honest that he is not running to become Mayor of Windsor. I think that he would be a wonderful person to be in charge of this City and I think he would help make it prosper quite well.

If you want to understand the political importance of Bill, then just read this small line in the Windsor Star story about him:

"Dilkens has yet to announce whether he’ll seek re-election, but Marra’s decision leaves the route largely free of obstacles." (Brian Cross, WindsorStar, April 23, 2018) politics

It just tells you how powerful Bill has become in Windsor!


I just don't understand how the Province could build a new Hospital in Windsor. Isn't it supposed to be a 500 bed hospital?  I frankly do not understand how it could be even considered to be that small with a bigger population expected when it is being constructed. What is the total number of beds in our existing 2 hospitals? Could it be around that size now or perhaps even slightly larger than that? What would happen in the future when the population grows?

I just saw this very interesting story about London, Ontario and the hospital there. It really makes me quite nervous about the future for a new hospital in Windsor which I think is going to be too small for this region.

Here is what was said:

"After years of being squeezed by Ontario’s government, London’s largest hospital is so chronically short of funded beds it’s created rules for moving patients into hallways for treatment.

The new “hallway transfer protocol” will take effect May 1.

“(Too often) there is a state of total congestion in our (emergency departments),” Julie Trpkovski, a vice president at London Health Sciences Centre, told The Free Press Friday." (Jonathan Sher, WindsorStar, April 23, 2018) 

Frankly, expect this mess in Windsor even with our new hospital constructed. Or perhaps something even worse if it only is a 500 bed hospital when our population is larger:

"While it may seem shocking that the London hospital has been forced to make hallway medicine part of what it routinely does, other Ontario hospitals have been forces to do so too. “(London Health Sciences Centre) is not the only hospital (affected by gridlock). We’re seeing more and more of this because our system is stretched from a capacity perspective,"

Here is truly how disgusting the situation will become in our area in the future with only one 500 bed hospital when it is so bad even now:

"The new protocol by LHSC doesn’t limit patients to rooms and hallways. Staff will be allowed to place a patient anywhere that can accommodate a bed, or a stretcher will be used, so long as it is deemed safe and doesn’t impede the necessary movement of people or equipment. Off-limit places include stairwells, in front of exit doors and near potentially hazardous items such as oxygen tanks, according to the protocol, a copy of which was obtained by The Free Press."

As far as I am concerned, our 2 hospitals in the Windsor area ought not to be replaced by just one hospital in total but rather should be built up to meet the needs and the increasing population for this area. In addition, it may well be that there is a need for a 3rd hospital because, after all, we had more hospitals at one time in this area. We probably need another higher number again!


Considering what may happen, and assuming that he is elected, Windsor's Councillor,  Rino Bortolin, who is running for the Provincial Liberals for a Queen's Park seat in Windsor might become the head of the Party at least in the Legislature in Toronto!

Here is a most absurd prediction of what could take place in the next Provincial election which, in fact, might happen:

"PC Super-majority on the Horizon 

If an election were held today, we project a PC majority government with 94 seats.

The NDP would serve as official opposition with 23 seats, while the Liberals would secure only 7 seats, one too few for party status in Ontario’s legislature." (Forum Research, April 20, 2018

Who knows, the Councillor might feel he might lose too and might now think about another alternative.  How about him running for Windsor Mayor later instead of just being a mere Councillor again. 

It could be a problem for him as an elected Liberal if the election turned out that badly with so few seats.  Just to repeat what was said above: 

"one too few [seats] for party status in Ontario’s legislature" 

No prestige for him then.

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