Monday, February 13, 2017

Here Are Some Additional Interesting Stories

I better add a lot more of the stories that I saw in the media over the past few weeks. I want you, dear reader, to understand what my position is on some of these issues. I wanted to make sure that you had read them and had become knowledgeable about how I felt about them. Whether you may agree or disagree with me on them is fine.


What a joke! The photograph of Windsor's Mayor standing at the Canadian Club Brand Centre in Walkerville in the Windsor Star article.

How silly that he felt that it was necessary for him to have a photograph taken of him in front of the building for the Star story on February 9, 2017. I assume that he was not very busy doing anything else so that he could go from City Hall to the plant area to pose for a photograph. I wonder how many photos the Star photographer took and why this one was selected over the others.

He is off to Chicago Monday by plane to meet up with some executives of Beam Suntory to talk about this matter.  Hmmm.  I wonder why he is going off to meet this Company. There is no doubt in my mind the Mayor may well be in the position already to offer that Company some money to stay here. After all, I found this remark of his interesting:

"Dilkens said he hopes discussions with Beam Suntory CEO Matt Shattock and others will provide something for the company as well as the community.

“I want to try to understand what’s driving the decision,” Dilkens said. “And then I want to be a partner and help work this out in a way that benefits them, the brand and the City of Windsor.” (C. Pearson, Windsor Star, February 9, 2017)

However, I am not certain that they are the right firm to speak with at this time. Why would Beam Suntory's comment be made since it could be considered ridiculous:

"we are just refocusing our investments to better cultivate the brand both locally and around the world.”

I would think that the exact opposite would happen in this area. Purchases of their brands may well be cut off completely by people who live here and by others who are annoyed at what they are doing. It looks like all that they are interested in doing is spending money on publicity to sell their products. Why then would anyone in this area want to buy their stuff in the first place if they took such a disappointing action.

However, there may be a reason why they are acting this way. It seems that Beam Suntory does not own the building:

"International distiller Pernod Ricard has owned the Hiram Walker distillery in Windsor since 2005, and leases the Canadian Club Brand Centre to Beam Suntory. As well, Pernod Ricard — which owns a competing rye, J.P. Wiser’s — makes Canadian Club under contract for Beam Suntory."

It would appear that Pernod Ricard may be the one who would make whatever decision has to be made on this building. If that is the case, why isn't Windsor's Mayor speaking with them instead? Does he want Beam Suntory to continue leasing the property? Is he afraid that Windsor will have to do so and he doesn't want that to happen while he is the Mayor since he may not have the money to do so?

I just don't understand it. There is something going on that we just don't know about that may be causing this issue.


Only a few people are being hired right now for this new operation but it is the project itself that could be beneficial for this area. Moreover, it points out the importance of the new town where I am living, Tecumseh, which ought to raise this area's economic importance:

"An international freight tracking company based in the United Kingdom has set up its North American headquarters in Tecumseh.

“Location is at the heart of everything that we do, whether it’s helping our customers keep track of their freight or enabling them to find available truck capacity with the best placed carriers,” said Lyall Cresswell, president and CEO of CX North America, CX Euro and Transport Exchange Group. “Choosing the right location for our new North American headquarters is a big part of that, so we’re absolutely delighted to be establishing ourselves here in Tecumseh.” (Windsor Star, February 9, 2017)

What is the real significance of this event:

"This location is the perfect fit for CX North America’s products and services because it’s the known as the epicentre of international logistics,” said Sharon Coburn, the company’s vice-president of business development for North America. “It’s one of the busiest commercial border crossings on the continent and we look forward to bringing our proven technology to this area and across North America.”

It is time the politicians in this area get together and start promoting the importance of this area for the North American economy!  We need more of these new projects here!


I have to admit I can't figure out why the City of Windsor's tax rate increased. Just take a look at this story and you can scratch your head as well:

"Thanks to $1 million-plus from FedDev Ontario’s Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program, the city will fix up the Dieppe River Walk, Willistead Manor, the Gino and Liz Marcus family change room, and the Windsor Loop cycling network. The projects will start this year and must be finished by March 2018.

“We’re quite thankful to receive these funds,” Dilkens said. “They’re going to go to good use.”
(Craig Pearson, Windsor Star, February 8, 2017)

So what's the big deal you might be thinking? Look at all the money that Windsor is going to be receiving. Well, you might not know about this information as well that shows how much money Windsor will be paying out:

"Windsor will chip in almost $3.4 million toward the total cost of $4.4 million.

The city also received $55,000 from the province for this year’s Open Streets block party, and $70,000 from the federal government for Windsor’s 125th birthday. The city will cover the rest of the $220,000 cost for the two events."

All these events will cost the City a whole bunch of money at a time when it also has decided to increase its taxes to citizens.

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