Friday, August 5, 2016

Why Is Our Library Still Closed

I have to admit that I didn't go to the library very often when I was living in Windsor. Most often, I would take out a few books to read or spend some time researching a certain topic of interest. However, having the e-library available, making the trip to a library location wasn't always necessary.

Things did change quite a bit though when my wife and I moved to Tecumseh.  For quite a time after I was recovering from my horrific hospital days, I was reading my own book after book after book that I had not read before because all I was doing now was staying at home, inside. I had a huge library of books from my previous home, some that were taken with us and many others were sold or donated. My family also purchased a number of books for me that I really enjoyed and still do, like my growing collection of Winston Churchill.  However, as I started getting better and needed to go outside to exercise, I just did not seem to be as interested in sitting down to read. I wanted to be on the move and active! 

Then I discovered the Tecumseh Library and all it had to offer residents.

I am a big visitor to the Tecumseh library that is located just about a block or 2 away from my home. I discovered their services and was very impressed with what they offered to the public. Not only do they have an excellent library full of great books, but also DVDs. Before the strike, I would go into the Library and take out a bunch of DVDs to enjoy for several times a week. That means that I would probably be going twice a week to the Library and take out 3 or 4 DVDs at a time to take a look at them, to help me relax.  It was a terrific alternative for me from a health perspective. Also, the librarians there are just so helpful to the people who come in, not only to assist them in taking out books/dvds, but to let people know about any events happening too.

So why I am I telling you all of this? In case you don't know it, my Library and a bunch of others in the area have been closed down for well over a month now. The workers are on strike. Can you believe that something could ever take this long to get resolved! It is completely absurd as far as I'm concerned. It makes no sense to me whatsoever. I doubt very much that something like this would ever happen if private parties were involved.

Naturally, strikes in libraries in this County are easy to do. After all, I thought that each little County town has its own Library. In effect then, we have a bunch of small little libraries with few employees in each of them out on strike. A local Government is really under very little pressure as well to get this resolved because so few employees are involved in each Library.  Notwithstanding that Libraries are on strike when kids are at home because of the Summer holidays because their schools are closed, there is not much pressure to get the Libraries open again to satisfy their needs.

Here is what I have read:

"Fifty-eight employees from 14 branches have been on strike for 41 days. The sticking point is with short-term disability qualifications and sick days — even though both sides acknowledge library workers typically don’t abuse time off.

But Meloche said these negotiations could potentially affect contract talks of other groups in the future." (Craig Pearson, Windsor Star, August 4, 2016

It's enough already! Our Librarians should not be punished this way. I am NOT taking a position at all with respect to the particular points involved in the dispute for this strike. Rather, I am concerned that our Librarians are on strike as an example to be used in a whole bunch of other employment matters across the Province.

That is not how our Librarians should be treated and frankly, our Municipal Governments should not be allowed to do so any longer. Get this strike over with already so many residents, including myself can enjoy all the wonderful services that the libraries have to offer.

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