Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Need For My New Blogsite

It is slightly over a year since I was diagnosed with a rare form of Encephalitis that almost took my life. Fortunately, it was identified and luckily for me action was taken immediately to stop the inflammation in my brain caused by the virus. I am still recovering from that illness and the damage it has left me with. I think I am doing quite a good job. The big dilemma that I have now is: what should I do with the rest of my life? 
I still enjoy reading about our local politicians and events that go on. It is very exciting to me.  I also like to browse the news about technology and new innovations going on. I am interested in financial matters and the banking industry. I find weather fascinating.  That's why I like to talk about that subject.
But now there are new topics that interest me so much.  How about those new homes that are being built in Tecumseh right behind me. They should be fun to discuss especially about their costs and whether it helps my home's value increase! Wait until the spring gets here and I can talk about planting flowers. I'm now involved with a game called Scrabble, which is a fun activity to play and you won't believe how many movies I have watched over the last while.  Oh and books. I love to read. Winston Churchill was quite a fascinating man and I have many of his books to enjoy.  Maybe you can suggest other books that I might enjoy taking out from the library too. 
There are lots of different topics to write about that I have barely written about before. To me now, they are very important.
In other words, there are lots of things to discuss of which I really did not do for so many years that are very important. Yes, there were many of those debates on subject matters that I was writing about which had such an influence. Given my state of affairs now, they really just doesn't seem all that important to me today because their solutions are obvious. For whatever reason, our leaders just seem incapable of getting things solved.  After a year of not being able to keep up-to-date on news because of my illness, when I started doing so again I did not see a lot of changes that had been made. 

 To be honest, that surprised me and really bothered me.

There is still fighting over the same ridiculous events that were outstanding before. Now, as an example, you will now understand a little better why I don't want to do very much now to write about the building of a new Ambassador Bridge. I've written about it for over a decade and all that is happening is what I was predicting for so long. Accordingly, I've had enough of the subject and just wrote a column telling you what should be done and that I'm sick and tired of writing any more about it. And I won't!

I really do believe that what is important is to write about where I am these days because it similar for so many other people. I'm hopeful that what I write about will be useful for people around my age and for those who are even much younger as well who can learn from me. After all, what people of my age are experiencing is something new for our Society.  Let's talk about it and discuss.

We are people who are post-World War II who have dealt for so many years with new experiences that have an impact on us and which influence us. Let's teach each other about that. That experience that we talk about can also now be used as well by those who are our children and grandchildren who, I think, will find this information useful for their lives as well as they grow older. They can certainly teach us things as well. 

I'm happy that I was able to get a new blog site created so I can post about many subjects that may or even may not interest you. Please come over to my new blog site and take a look at what I have to write about. 

Right now, writing articles for you, dear reader, is very important in my life. The whole concept makes me think a lot better than I did before. I have to get my brain working in order to overcome the problems that I developed because of my sickness. I truly want to overcome it and writing an article for you to read is a good way for me to be doing so.

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